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Ayo, This is just me alone with all of LuvKari’s demons on “ Die4Luv, ” his first and only album in 2021. Hey, I’m CoutGeo letting you know the indie artist to keep an eye on in 2022. The raw emotions and talent displayed throughout the project, Die4Luv, is noteworthy. LuvKari isn’t boxed into a sound although guitar loops and 808’s suits him fine. Songs such as Lately and Get Around are prime examples. Die4Luv is an easy listen with 8 tracks at 31 minutes, energy and bar packed through the front and back. 

Fortunately for the LuvKari Den and I, Geo a fan yessuh, LuvKari hasn’t slipped on releasing music. LuvKari has appeared on released music with Caelo and music with Mdnight, Thousand days and God Damn to name a few. The steady dose of consistency from LuvKari’s music is a major reason to focus on his journey as an artist.

Hopefully, all the momentum LuvKari has gathered will manifest into his obviously capable success. He is set to release his second album, The World is Yours, in 2022. I don’t think it is a stretch to say the anticipation surrounding LuvKari’s next move is deserving. CloutGeo will always be an encouraging supporter of the creatives, hopefully I’m not alone in supporting our antihero’s promising career. LuvKari will be a household name, with projects like Die4Luv, the question is only when? Yoooo, are we digital yet? Lol, stay tuned for Zeal&Pristine going digital in 2022. Happy holidays and a happy new year from CloutGeo and the Zeal&Pristine team.

Zeal & Pristine