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Disappear with Chanel Loren

Born and raised in South East London but now calling Sydney, Australia, her home is Chanel Loren. She discovered her artistic side by getting involved with music, dance, and acting at a very young age. Chanel started getting noticed when she released her demo “Hey” on Soundcloud but it wasn’t until 2022 that she officially released two singles. One song is, “Playlist” it begins slowly with distant vocals fading in accompanied by a plucked synth that creates an intriguing but inviting atmosphere. The solid, fast-paced beat rapidly takes our attention, followed by a dense bass, and Chanel’s fluid vocals are full of power. The song is deftly produced, from the groovy catchy chorus to the details of spoken second voices added at the end of some key phrases. It is also worth mentioning the amazing songwriting skills of the singer, portraying her heartbreak experience into a powerful song full of attitude.

“Disappear” is the second song and it starts with Chanel’s confident vocals, a soft beat, and a mellow instrumentation that later disappears leaving space for a beautiful vocal break that then leads to an impactful chorus. Now, with a more striking beat, we can notice the backing vocals filling a wider range creating texture followed by the pleasing guitar solo. Chanel isn’t afraid to expose her heartache through her graceful poetry while adding small details throughout her songs that are discovered with each subsequent listen. Chanel is one to watch, influenced by her culture and community she never fails to deliver vulnerability while also making R&B hits.

Zeal & Pristine