Free Press, Is Good Press

Cloth Talk

Dive into Cloth Talk, a series shining a light on the latest fashion trends and emerging clothing brands.

Cloth Talk with 1neLife

Summer is here, and we know you guys got the sunblock and beach towels on deck. Besides the swimming trunks and thong bikinis, what's the clothing looking like? If you're worried about COVID still or prefer to blow a bag online instead of hitting the mall, I got you guys covered.

Houston clothing brand 1neLife Clothing is nothing short of remarkable. From the graphics and the meaning behind their collections, it's more than just fashion.

The two reached out to me for an inclusive interview. We discussed inspiration, how they stay focused, and most importantly, fashion.

Because it's two of you, would you say it's easier coming up with styles and ideas, or is it difficult?

Janaé: Easier. We have a perfect dynamic when it comes to designing and bouncing off ideas. We're like-minded, so it makes the process very thorough and efficient. 

Ridley: I would say it's easy for us both to get into our creative process regarding most of the designs and concepts. Janaé comes to me with ideas all the time and vice versa. We usually have the same vision, so it's effortless to agree on a piece we want to bring to life. 

The brand is birthed in Houston, a place that's known for its art and fashion. So with that being said, how has the city inspired you two?

J: From the city lights down to the swangaz. The way we dress, how we ride, how we talk, EVERYTHING. Houston influences me every day. Therefore it will be shown through our art. 

R: Just the culture honestly and the history behind Houston's fashion and art scene. There are many different influences, from the music scene down to the taste of your favorite restaurants. There's so much to love and enjoy in our city. So many different influences and pioneers for the art we create today. 

What do you guys want your brand to be known as? 

J: Revolutionary. We make pieces with messages that could shake the table—conversation starters. My goal is for our brand to be known for our perseverance! Never stop!

R: I want us to be known for our vision. Our vision is to inspire others to achieve their dreams and live in their calling. 

It's already summertime. What are you two cooking up for the remainder of the year? 

J: Pieces have been mocked up to the SS22 collection. Stepping our pieces game up and trying different things. So stay tuned ! 

R: We have a few pieces in mind for the rest of this Spring/Summer Collection. We're approaching fashion from all different angles with these pieces we have on the way. I won't give too much detail but make sure to keep your eyes open. 

If you guys couId choose anyone to collaborate with, who would it be? if you guys could choose anyone to collaborate with, who would it be? 

J: I haven't focused on who we could collab with at this moment in time. I'm aiming for us to get our name out there and make a print on our own, and then possibly collab with another like-minded brand. 

R: Personally, I don't have anyone In particular in mind to collab with. I would enjoy working with brands that share a similar plan when it comes to fashion. 

What inspires you both to stay working in this industry?

J: I would say the ability we possess to create pieces without people knowing who we are per say, they'd rock it off the creativity alone. The look on people's faces when they see our pieces, or even the joy they have when rockin' our work. It keeps us going! 

R: I want to say just the influence we have with fashion and the brand. Just knowing that we can catch your attention with a specific piece and it may inspire you to create yourself. I see that as reaching the masses with a message that can uplift them on their journey in this lifetime. 

What difficulties have you faced with the brand?

J: Besides everyone's own personal issues, covid, feeling uninspired, wanting to quit, feeling like this may not be for us, YOU NAME IT. But, I can say, all of that is what made us stronger today.

R: In my opinion I can say other than Covid happening and maybe a few personal issues within our own lives. Just trying to maintain the brand and the normal obstacles in life seemed to become overwhelming at times. 

In the last question we asked what challenges you have faced. Have any of those challenges made you think about quitting? 

J: Absolutely! Multiple times at that, but the assignment clearly wasn't done for us lol. Despite 2020 being the hardest year for everyone, that was also the year that we went full throttle despite the hardships and stayed consistent. Now here we are! God is good!

Ridley: Yes, I thought about quitting before. I can honestly say if it wasn't for my sister and partner Janaé, I probably wouldn't be here. She took the brand and came out of nowhere with a hunger and drive that inspired me to keep moving forward despite the hardships we were faced with over the last few years. 

When current trends arise, do you stick with them, or do you go left and think outside the box? 

J: I would say a mixture of both. Our brand isn't meant to be "trendy" per say, but we monitor very closely what is the "looks" for the times so we won't be outdated for our consumers. 

R: To me, we have our lane and algorithms when it comes to designing and coming up with these pieces. Yes, we pay attention and are aware of the current trends and what's "in" these days. But the route we usually take is something of our own with keeping those trends in mind. 

This season you guys have "televised revolution" what's the story behind this collection? 

J: It stemmed from the times we are living in now. After the killing of George Floyd & countless other senseless killings of our people, I found myself in a very frustrated state. The song "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" (1971) by Gil Scott Heron came on one day & from the lyrics, he stated that "There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down brothers on the instant replay," but TODAY, we see it all in 4K. The Revolution is televised, and we're Revolutionaries. From there, I started designing pieces that exude that message to bring awareness to the masses. 

From this collection, what's your favorite item? 

J: I would have to say the "TR" button-up bowler shirt. If you look closely, we have small messages on the piece that aids the overall message as a whole. Plus, the colors & material are perfect for the summer. This is by far my favorite collection.

R: I would say the TR Utility vests as well as the AK hats we have. If I'm honest, every piece from the Televised Revolution Collection is my favorite.
